Oude Pekela 25-10-2009. Int. Najaarsren.Greyhound Teven. 350 meter. [4] Tijd: 20.80.- Suzy’s Dream v Madrikshof [ Carrowkeal Tom x Ponties Dream ] Twiest
- Hurricane’s You are Tess [ Lethal Legend x Scerkesso Flash ] Twiest
- Call Me Heartsease of Wilfra’s Home [ Miles Away x Dewi v d Macoela ] Kuiper
- Cherry Express of Wilfra’s Home [ Miles Away x Dewi v d Macoela ] Kuiper
Greyhound Reuen. 350 meter [4] Tijd: 21.16- Alfalfa Panter [ Nicksbestgamble x Cool Polly ] T. Vos
- Roswelle Phantom [ Droopys Shearer x Step and Go ] Smit
- Harringay’s Jay Dee [ Leader Don’t stop x Dazzling Lady ] Niezen